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রেজিস্টার্ড বেসরকারি প্রাথমিক সহকারী শিক্ষক নিয়োগ পরীক্ষা-2011-(গোলাপ-04) (09-12-2011) || 2011

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Ask Question?
Let the sum done by me.
Let the sum being done by me.
Let the sum be done by me.
Let the sum is to be done by me.
By whom were you got this pen?
By whom were you given this pen?
By whom was you given this pen?
By whom have you given this pen?
You politely asked me if I would help you.
You politely asked to me if I would help you.
You politely asked me that whether I would help you.
You politely asked me that if I should help you.
He requested to his friends that they should play then.
He proposed to his friends that they should play then.
He proposed to his friends that they would play then.
He proposed to his friends that we should play then.
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